Hello, I’m April (near and far!). I’m a born traveler, an aspiring photographer, a mom, and a wife. I’m new to travel blogging (and blogging in general) and working hard to get the details figured out.
So how did I get here?
I guess you could say I took the long route. The scenic route, if you will. My favorite thing to do has always been travel and writing has always been a strength of mine. So naturally, as a young person figuring out what to do with my life, I decided to go to school for a long time and become an audiologist (yeah, doesn’t really make sense to me either). In this work I have the pleasure of helping a lot of people, which keeps me coming back day after day, but there’s not much in it (other than a pretty decent PTO benefit) that fulfills my wanderlust or my need for creativity. I thought if I started a travel blog I would have to travel more! And write more! And take more photos! It’s a win-win as far as I can see.
About my Travels
People always ask which places I want to go, and my answer is: everywhere. Currently I travel most in the Western U.S. because it’s close, which means easier with kids and faster to get away from kids (wait, did I say that?), but I also enjoy every opportunity to go beyond my home turf. I love road trips and airports. Checking things off a list calls to me and I can be a little obsessed with maps that allow me to mark off where I’ve been: currently 3 continents, 9 countries, 34 U.S. states (400 U.S. counties)….and counting! It’s a small number compared to some – but that’s why I’m here: to keep the count rising!
I don’t particularly enjoy travelling on my own, so I usually try to bring someone else along. Sometimes it’s family (immediate or extended), sometimes friends, and on special occasions, it’s just me and my husband. Regardless of where I go or who I’m with, I enjoy every aspect of the travel adventure. I’m a flexible, go-with-the-flow kind of person, typically calm and collected and always looking on the bright side. This allows me to enjoy a trip even when it’s not going according to plan (on small or large scale). Good, bad, or ugly, all travel is an adventure and in my opinion, the best way to spend time. I hope you’ll enjoy my posts and have patience with me as I figure out this blogging stuff!